Waxing Treatment Injuries - How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Waxing Negligence Treatment? (2024)

By Marlon Redding. Last Updated 17th February 2023. Waxing is a popular way to remove unwanted body hair and facial hairs. It’s a procedure available at beauty salons up and down the country.

Waxing is a safe treatment, as long as the beautician is properly trained and follows the correct practices. However, if best practices are not followed, this can lead to the client suffering wax treatment injuries.

If you have suffered a leg wax injury, bikini wax injury, eyebrow wax injury or any other type of waxing injury because of negligence on the part of a beautician’s salon, you may be able to make a personal injury claim against the salon for compensation. You could receive funds to pay for any medical treatment you may need to help you recover from your injuries, and could also receive compensation for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity your injuries have caused.

If you have been injured because of a wax injury or hot wax injury that was not your fault, call Legal Helpline today, to see if you can claim compensation.

Call us on 0161 6969 685 for your free claim consultation today. Alternatively, use our online claims form to contact us.

Jump To A Section

  • A Guide To Wax Treatment Injury Compensation Claims
  • What Is A Waxing Treatment Injury?
  • Wax Strip Burn – How Long Do I Have To Claim?
  • Complications Caused By Mistakes In Wax Treatments
  • Irritation To The Skin
  • Tears And Cuts In The Skin
  • Allergic Reactions And Infections Caused By Waxing
  • Skin Burns Caused By Wax Treatments
  • Injuries During A Leg Wax
  • Injuries During An Eyebrow Wax
  • Injuries During Nipple Waxing
  • Injuries During Bikini Waxing
  • Waxing Injury Compensation
  • What Could I Claim? Expenses And Losses You May Be Compensated For
  • No Win No Fee Claims For Waxing Treatment Injuries
  • Contact Legal Helpline Today
  • Essential References

A Guide To Wax Treatment Injury Compensation Claims

Waxing is a beauty treatment to get rid of unwanted or unsightly body hair. It works by spreading lines of molten wax onto the skin, then using paper strips to rip it off, pulling the unwanted hair with it. The wax used in this treatment is specially developed for cosmetic use. Beauticians sometimes use hot wax to treat stubborn hairs. This type of wax dries and becomes solid on the skin. It is then pulled off as one piece, without using a paper strip.

Waxing Treatment Injuries - How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Waxing Negligence Treatment? (1)

Waxing treatment injuries claim

If the salon acts negligently and best practices are not followed, the client could suffer an injury as a result. Not only can these injuries be painful, but they can also affect the injured person’s appearance, harming their self-confidence. In this guide, we will explain how these injuries can take place and how to sue a salon for negligence. If you believe you are owed compensation for beauty salon negligence, involving waxing, or any other type of injury, Legal Helpline can help you claim. Call us today to speak to an advisor about your waxing treatment injuries.

What Is A Waxing Treatment Injury?

Waxing is normally a safe procedure but it can result in injury if it is not carried out correctly. One reason that waxing treatment injuries can happen is that waxing is often carried out on sensitive parts of the body such as the bikini line, underarms and face. The skin is more delicate in these areas and is more prone to tearing, blistering, allergic reactions or infections.

Beauty salons have a duty of care towards their clients. This means that they must ensure that they conduct beauty treatments safely and hygienically. Salons must also make sure that their premises are safe for their clients and employees to use. To do so, they must carry out regular risk assessments to identify health and safety hazards (things that can create a risk of accidents) and put control measures in place to remove or minimise the risk. If a client is injured at a beauty salon, or beautician’s shop because of beauty salon negligence, the salon could be held liable for the client’s injuries.

Wax Strip Burn – How Long Do I Have To Claim?

If you suffered an injury such as a wax strip burn or an eyebrow wax burn scar, you generally have three years following the injury to start a personal injury claim. This is set by the Limitation Act 1980. The time limit can start on the date of the accident. It could also start on the date of knowledge, such as when you noticed a wax burn on your leg. Certain circ*mstances suspend the three years personal injury claim time limit.

These include:

  • Being under the age of 18 at the time of the wax strip burn. A minor cannot start a claim themselves. However, a litigation friend could start a claim on their behalf. If they reach their 18th birthday and a claim has not been started on their behalf, they will have three years to start their claim.
  • Someone lacking mental capacity at the time of the wax strip burn also cannot represent themselves. A litigation friend could be appointed to start the claiming process on their behalf. However, if they regain their mental capacity and a claim has not been started, they will then be given three years to start a claim.

Call our advisors to start your wax strip burn claim today.

Complications Caused By Mistakes In Wax Treatments

Waxing treatment is not suitable for people who have very sensitive skin, or who are taking prescription medication for acne, as it makes the skin sensitive. That is why the beautician is supposed to ask the client about their medical history and do a patch test to make sure that the client does not have an adverse reaction to the treatment.

What reactions could a person with sensitive skin have to a waxing treatment? Complications can include wax burns, hot wax burns, blisters, bruising, swelling, skin irritation, allergic reactions, bleeding, cuts and cracks on the skin and infections. If you have experienced any of type of skin damage caused by waxing, which could have been avoided, contact Legal Helpline to talk about claiming compensation today.

What To Do When Wax Rips Off Skin – Evidence Gathering

If you suffered due to a wax burn on your eyebrows or a similar injury, you may wish to claim compensation. However, in order to do so, you must have evidence that proves that the beautician owed you a duty of care and it was a breach in this that caused your suffering, such as a skin burn from waxing.

Examples of evidence that could help your claim include:

  • Photographs of your injury. For example, if your skin was ripped from waxing, this may have left cuts, scars or swelling. You can take a picture of this.
  • Medical records. These should contain details of any treatments you received as well as the date you sought treatment.
  • Witness contact details so they can provide a statement.
  • Product samples if possible. These could be of the wax, the strips, or the packaging the products came in.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about gathering evidence, you can call our advisors. Free legal advice about what to do when wax rips off your skin due to negligence is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Irritation To The Skin

Some people experience irritation to the skin, after waxing. This can include redness and sensitivity to touch. In most cases, skin irritation will go away after 24 hours and anyone suffering from skin irritation can treat the unpleasant sensation by applying a cool cloth to the skin and avoiding alcohol-based skincare products.

In some instances, the client can be left with a rash, which won’t go away after 48 hours, or will spread. This is why beauticians should always do a patch test.

Also, waxing treatment should never happen if the skin is sunburnt, as it will be more sensitive. In turn, if skin has been freshly waxed the client should stay out of the sun. This is because the upper layer of skin (epidermis) is also removed with the hair, so the skin is more sun-sensitive. Therefore the client should be warned against sunbathing or sun exposure after waxing by the salon to avoid excessive or severe sunburns.

Tears And Cuts In The Skin

A small amount of bleeding caused by waxing is normal and is usually due to the epidermis (top layer of skin) being removed. Unfortunately, the skin can be torn, causing an excessive amount of bleeding. This can be caused if the beautician does not pull the skin taut when they remove the strip or removes the wax strip at the wrong angle. The torn skin may result in scarring.

Allergic Reactions And Infections Caused By Waxing

Some people are allergic to ingredients used in cosmetic hair wax. This is another reason why beauticians should carry out a patch test to see if there is an adverse reaction to the wax before carrying out the treatment. Allergic reactions to waxing can result in a client suffering from hives, itchiness or a rash.

As a result of cuts or tears to the skin, the injured person can experience skin irritation or pick up an infection at the salon, if conditions are not sanitary. If the wax makes contact with a fresh cut or open wound, it can also cause an infection.

Skin Burns Caused By Wax Treatments

If the beautician uses wax at too hot a temperature, this can result in wax burns. In extreme cases, these may be third-degree burns. If the beautician accidentally spills wax onto the client which has been heated to a hot temperature, they can also suffer from burns.

Do wax burns go away? This depends. If the burn is less serious, it may cause pain and scars which will fade over time. The person may also suffer from blisters which can get infected. If they suffered hot wax burn before a holiday, they won’t be able to use the pool or go into the sea so as to avoid infection.

In the instance that a client suffers a serious burn such as second or third-degree burn from exposure to extremely hot wax, they may be left with permanent scars. They may require a wax burn scar removal procedure, such as a skin graft.

As well as the physical pain involved, wax treatment injuries, such as burns can also be distressing because they harm people’s appearance. Therefore if you have been burned or suffered skin damage caused by waxing, you may be able to sue for psychological damages as well as physical injuries when you claim for beauty treatment compensation.

We will now look at how wax treatment injuries can affect different parts of the body.

Injuries During A Leg Wax

Leg waxes are a common way of removing unwanted hair on the legs, especially during the summer before events or holidays. The skin on the legs is less delicate than the skin on the bikini line, so is less prone to wax injuries compared to other parts of the body. However, injuries can still happen if best practices are not followed. Leg wax injuries could include burns, rashes, skin irritations, infections, blisters or cuts or cracks to the skin.

Injuries During An Eyebrow Wax

Eyebrow wax injuries, such as an eyebrow burn, can have knock-on effects on the injured person. For example, if hot wax is spilt onto the eyebrow area, it can fall into the eye and cause eye irritation or injuries. If you have experienced an eyebrow wax injury, such as a burn which leaves a visible scar, then this can be more upsetting because it is on your face. You may wish to claim eyebrow wax burn compensation for the injury that was caused.

Injuries During Nipple Waxing

The nipple is a sensitive and delicate area of the body, especially for women. Because the skin on the nipple and the areola are delicate, it is more prone to bleeding or tearing if the wax strips are not applied correctly, are left on the nipple for too long, or are not pulled off in the direction of the hairs. If the skin on the nipple is torn, the person may be left with visible scars which can cause psychological injury and problems with intimacy, given the injury being on a private part of the body. The injured person may require corrective surgery or cosmetic surgery to fix these scars. Therefore, anyone looking to make a beauty treatment claim for a scarred or injured nipple may wish to claim special damages to cover the cost of counselling to help them regain their sense of positive body image again.

Injuries During Bikini Waxing

A bikini line wax is a wax that removes the pubic hair that is visible outside a swimsuit or pair of bikini bottoms. Unfortunately, Brazilian waxes can cause more serious bikini wax injuries. A Brazilian wax (also known as a French wax) is when the pubic hair is removed from the bikini line, vagin* and buttocks, leaving only a small strip of hair above the vulva. This intimate area of skin is extremely delicate, so is more prone to injuries, including tearing, if this procedure is not carried out properly. The area is also vulnerable to Brazilian wax burns.

Waxing Injury Compensation

Following a waxing gone wrong due to negligence, your injuries may cause you to suffer pain or a loss of amenity. For example, a waxing burn could mean you cannot participate in the activities you usually would. These factors would be compensated under general damages.

To give you an idea of what compensation for burns you may receive, we have lifted figures from the 16th edition of the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to create the table below. Legal professionals use the JCG to help value claims. However, the brackets shown are not guaranteed as every case is different.

InjuryComments on This InjuryPossible Compensation
Burn InjuriesWhere there are significant burns which cover 40% of the body or more. The awards could exceed £98,380including the
10% uplift). How much is paid out depends on factors such as % of the body burnt, location of the burns, nature of the burns.
Likely to exceed £104,820
Facial Disfigurement - Very Severe Scarring (a)Which results in very severe (facial) scarring. The claimant will be aged between their teens and early thirties. There is a cosmetic effect and severe psychological reaction.£29,780 to £97,330
Facial Disfigurement - Less Severe Scarring (b)Where the person has some disfigurement and where there is a significant psychological reaction.£17,960 to £48,420
Facial Disfigurement - Significant Scarring (c)Instances where plastic surgery reduces the worst physical effects.£9,110 to £30,090
Facial Disfigurement - Trivial Scarring (e)In these cases the effect is minor only£1,710 to £3,530
Dermatitis (a)The cracking and soreness will impact the ability to perform both employment and domestic tasks. There may also be some mental health consequences. £13,740 to £19,200
Dermatitis (b)Treatment and/or gloves while carrying out certain tasks will help settle the symptoms. However, they still persist for a significant amount of time. £8,640 to £11,410

The final settlement figure you could receive will also consider any special damages, such as compensation for a loss of earnings, which we’ll discuss more in the next section. However, if you would like to speak to an advisor about what you could claim, get in touch for free and they could connect you with an expert solicitor from our panel.

Skin Burn From Waxing – Special Damages

You could also claim compensation for any financial losses you have suffered or financial needs you now have due to your waxing injuries. This type of compensation, for the financial effect of an injury, is called special damages.

As examples, if you had either suffered from skin burn from the waxing or if your skin was ripped off during your eyebrow waxing you could request compensation for:

  • Cosmetic surgery, if it cannot be provided for free by the NHS
  • Your affected income, if you had been unable to work
  • Your spending towards your treatment or care

Our advisers could be able to speak with you about your injuries and give you advice on factors you should include in your claim. They could even provide you with a compensation estimate that could take the personal circ*mstances of your suffering into account.

If you have sustained wax scars, or other similar injuries from a negligent waxing procedure then please reach out to a member of our team for advice.

No Win No Fee Claims For Waxing Treatment Injuries

If you would like to claim waxing treatment injuries compensation, you could do so with the support of a No Win No Fee solicitor. Their services could be provided under the terms of a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is a type of No Win No Fee arrangement.

When claiming wax treatment injuries compensation with the support of a No Win No Fee solicitor, your solicitor will not usually charge you an upfront solicitors fee. If your wax strip burn claim is successful, a legally capped success fee will be taken from your award. Should your wax treatment injuries claim not be successful, you generally will not have to pay for your No Win No Fee solicitor’s work.

Contact Legal Helpline Today

Our advisors can answer your questions about claiming for waxing treatment injuries. If it seems like you may have a valid claim, you could be connected to our panel of solicitors. To get in touch:

  • Fill in an online enquiry form
  • Call 0161 6969 685
  • Or use the live chat at the bottom of the screen.

Essential References For Waxing Treatment Injuries

  • Beauty Treatment Injury Claims
  • Botox Injury Claims
  • Cosmetic Surgery Negligence

External Guides To Waxing Treatment Injuries

An NHS Guide To Treating Burns And Scalds

Guide by HE

Edited by REG

Waxing Treatment Injuries - How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Waxing Negligence Treatment? (2024)


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